OmniAlgoVRFilterDetection.hh File Reference

#include "../OmniConfig.hh"
#include "../OmniConversion.hh"
#include "../OmniGCardConverter.hh"
#include "../OmniFastLookupTable.hh"
#include "../OmniCallback.hh"
#include "../testing/CvFaceDetect.hh"
#include "../testing/CvFaceTrack.hh"
#include "../testing/CvVRFilter.hh"
#include <cxtypes.h>
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>

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class  OmniAlgoVRFilterDetection< ConverterT, AngleT, ImageT, PointT >
 Utility class that show how to use the VRFilter algorithm to detect and track faces directly on omnidirectional images. More...

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