Omnimeeting is a multi-platform C++ videoconference program that uses libraries such as LiveMedia, OpenCv, DevIL, WxWidgets, ffmpeg to stream unicast video with RTSP protocol via Internet.
It features the streaming with the following protocols (but new ones can be easily and painless added due to the pluggable software architecture): MJPEG, H263+, MP3, MP3ADU, live cam/microphone grabbing, and much more... Omnimeeting can also receive a 360 degrees omnidirectional video and do a face detecting / tracking together with a motion detection. A fresh new algorithm can also do a face detecting directly on the omnidirectional image.
2007-01-11: License informations.
A license page has been added here. Be sure to look at it before download the software. Thank you.
2007-01-03: Theses added.
Born mainly as an university project, Omnimeeting gave some possibility of theses writings. Hoping they'll be useful to someone here they are the Fabio Zecchini's one and Massimo Corà's one.
Those were developed at the University of Padua, Italy, under the supervision of robotics professor Emanuele Menegatti. Many thanks to him if these works could be done! Note: the theses are in Italian language.
2006-12-27: Omnimeeting flash demo added!
You can see a flash demo of Omnimeeting running here. It's quite a big file [19MB], you can also have a .mpg version [2MB] here
2006-12-25: Omnimeeting 0.4 released!
After a long wait here it is: the best release of all the Omnimeeting's ones.
You can find here many great features like:
- video streaming MJPEG
- video streaming H263+
- audio streaming MP3 / MP3ADU
- live cam/microphone streaming
- face tracking / face detecting / motion detecting on omnidirectional videos
- a fresh new algorithm based on a VRFilter and skin-color algorithm.
- single-stream mode (embedded devices) and multi-stream mode (pc desktop devices)
- OmniStuff library (perform operations on omnidirectional images)
- OmniStream library (streaming support to the main program)
- much more...
what else? Just download it and test it! Please report any bugs you'll find so that I can fix them.
Linux sources
Windows sources
Windows 32 binaries
2006-11-29: OmniStream doxygen documentation added.
I started documenting the two new libraries, OmniStream [or OStream for brevity] and OmniStuff, that are coming out on Omnimeeting CVS. The docs are reachable here. Expect more changes in the next hours/days.
2006-10-02: Omnimeeting 0.3 released!
Mainly intended for development purposes, this release shows a fresh new hardware acceleration plugin to convert omnidirectional videos to panoramic ones.
A new templatized architecture is given for Omnistuff library, which can now be embedded easily in other programs.
So what are you waiting for? Give it a try!
2006-07-01: Omnimeeting: hardware acceleration added
After a little playing with Cg shaders language, I was able to perform an omnidirectional-to-panoramic video conversion on the fly.
This takes advantages from the newest hardware accelerated graphics cards supporting pixel and vertex shaders.
Try the new demo!
You can download the binaries for windows 32bit here:
2006-06-02: Omnimeeting 0.2beta released!
After a long wait, I'm proud to announce the release of Omnimeeting 0.2 beta.
In this version you'll have a lot of bug fixes, but beta-testers are welcome!
So download it and test it! It's for windows and for linux!
2006-02-01: Omnidirectional/panoramic videos uploaded
Two new videos are available to show you the motion-demo features.
Watch them!
2006-01-26: Omnimeeting: two new demos released
We've done it! Two new motion demos have just been released, one for linux and one for windows. Omnimeeting is a multi-platform C++ videoconference program that uses libraries such as LiveMedia, OpenCv, CxImage, WxWidgets to stream video with RTSP protocol via Internet. It can receive a 360 degrees omnidirectional video and do a face-detecting/tracking. We used some Omnimeeting's stuff and some OpenCv algorithms, like the motion detector, to display a panorama view of the platform recorded by the omnidirectional camera. Results are that people moving/walking around are detected and followed by a red rectangle. This can be an useful tool to be used into video-surveillance frameworks for example. This time the video source input is a BT848 frame grabber, but it can be easily extended to catch up a webcam source. You can reach the download page here: And the project's page here:
2005-11-24: Omnimeeting 0.1 released!
This is our first public release! Omnimeeting is both a video streaming software and an omni face-tracking/detecting software. It comes with a gui but it's code is modularized so that an easy reusing of code for streaming or for omnistuffing can be made. Get it a try and spread the word, we aim to build a library which processes every kind of omni-images [images taken by a 360? camera].